I'm back, and back with something different to what I usually post. Most of the time I write about beauty, but only occasionally will include a lifestyle or fashion posts - so here is an fashion/lifestyle post! (Which I hope to be doing more of, especially the fashion side).
First of all I would like to apologise for the lack of content recently on my blog, exams and school never fail to get in the way. But I won't purely blame it on school, as I have felt uninspired and demotivated to produce anything 'blog wise'. But with that to a side, I really want to share with you a day when I went to the seaside in Easter. Therefore I decided to also show you what I wore (nothing special, just casual), as well as some photography on the beach.
Coat - Topshop | Jeans - Topshop | Boots - New Look | Jumper - TKMaxx (from Bravesoul)
Hope you've had a lovely bank holiday weekend, and if you have exams coming up... Good luck!
What have you been up to recently?